Provincial and Local Liaison


Acting Chief Director: Moepeng Tshwane
Tel: 012 473 0188

The purpose of the chief directorate  is to  provide strategic leadership to the interface of national government communication with provincial communication programmes

Funding in this programme fosters working relations with provincial and local government, in particular the communication components of the Premier's Office, to ensure government ‘s message is disseminated to the public in a seamless manner. The subprogramme is also responsible for the oversight of the Thusong Service Centre Programme, and the government wide support of the Public Participation Programme (Izimbizo). The chief directorate manages the nine provincial offices and one directorate at the national office, Programme Support, which is responsible for content strategy, implementation of the GCIS at provincial offices and the overall operations.

Through the programmes run at provincial and local level, this unit provides development communication and information to South African citizens, to ensure that they have public information which can assist them in becoming active citizens.

Through a more active involvement in public programmes and through access to government information and campaigns, people will be equipped and empowered to use this information for their own development, thus promoting a better life for all South Africans.

This is done through the following key programmes:•

  • developing, implementing and managing a two-way communication and information system between government and the people
  • implementing and managing a strategy for the promotion of development communication and local information content
  • coordinating government’s Thusong Service Centre programme
  • coordinating a local level information-management system, advising the GCIS and government on issues affecting the communication environment at provincial and local level
  • developing and implementing regional and local communication strategies in accordance with the National Communication Strategy and the Government Communication Programme (GCP)
  • developing partnerships with local government aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of the system of government communicators
  • providing strategic leadership to the Chief Directorate.

 Provincial and Local Liaison comprises the following programmes:


Directorate: Programme Support

Director: Moepeng Tshwane
Tel: 012 473 0188

The directorate coordinates and manages the involvement of the GCIS provincial and district offices in the government communication campaign, and oversees and leads the Public Participation Programme initiative in GCIS.

The functions of Programme Support are:

  • supporting the efficient and effective co-ordination of the operations of the Chief Directorate: Provincial and Local Liaison
  • managing partnerships for the Thusong Service Programme
  • coordinating communication and marketing for the Thusong Service Centres
  • facilitating and coordinating the development of chief directorate annual performance and operational plans with a particular focus on performance management and the collation of performance information
  • compiling monthly and quarterly performance reports for the chief directorate for submission to Manco as part of the overall monitoring and evaluation process of the chief directorate’s work
  • ensuring  alignment to the planning, budgeting  and reporting cycles of government for the chief directorate.
  • coordinating and managing the involvement of the GCIS provincial directorates in the implementation of the Government Communication Programme
  • managing the partnership with CoGTA and SALGA on the roll out of a system of communication in local government, including management of relevant coordination forums
  • managing relationships with key stakeholders and partners relevant to the work of the Chief Directorate: Provincial and Local Liaison
  • co-ordinating and managing the provincial distribution strategy.
  • Providing communication support to the District Development Model 

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Subdirectorate: Content Strategy Implementation


Deputy Director: Nsizwa Nkosi
Tel: 012 473 0222

The functions of Programme Support are:

  • Promotion of development communication practice through government communication and localized content;
  • Conducting localized environmental assessments, distribution of government information and stakeholder management with local stakeholders relevant to the work of government;
  • Local Media and Stakeholder Mobilization;
  • Conducting strategic liaison services aimed at daily profiling of events by detailing how government and communities are making headway in eradicating poverty and underdevelopment; and highlights areas where acts of service excellence and achievement against many odds are realised;
  • Marketing of all operational Thusong Service Centres and integrated mobile units.

Subdirectorate: Governance Operations

Deputy Director:  Delia Rossouw
Tel: 012347 0059

The functions of Provincial Operations are:

  • coordinating capacity-building within the chief directorate
  • coordinating and managing the programme’s information-management systems.
  • providing administration, human resource and financial support to the chief directorate and Department of Communications provincial directorates

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Provincial Directorates

There are Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) offices in each of the nine provinces and in District Municipalities. The majority of the GCIS District offices are located in Thusong Service Centres. The nine Provincial Directorates are responsible for cascading the National Communication Strategy to provincial and local stakeholders and partners and for the implementation of development communication campaigns and programmes aligned to the Government Communication Programme. The offices work closely with provincial governments, in particular the Premier's Offices, to ensure the message of government is disseminated to the public in a seamless manner.

The functions of the provincial offices are:

  • promoting an effective government communication system at provincial and local level by developing better alliances in the communication environment
  • developing a clear understanding of the public’s information needs and government’s communication needs
  • developing and implementing communication campaigns in response to the needs identified
  • managing the corporate and operational function of the GCIS's provincial offices
  • providing leadership in government communication through strengthening and integrating the Government Communication System with provincial structures
  • coordinating the distribution of government information through a network of local, community-based distribution points
  • marketing of Thusong Service Centres in provinces.
GCIS provincial offices

GCIS has provincial offices in all nine provinces.