2 December 2015
As the country approaches the festive season, road safety continues to be an issue of concern to government. Many lives are continuously lost as a result of road accidents.
The recently reported tragic accident on the R18 near Vereeniging where 19 people reportedly died is just one very unfortunate example.
Acting Cabinet Spokesperson, Phumla Williams said: “Transport Month may have passed, however, the message of government for road users to exercise extreme caution lives on.
“As part of reinforcing and advancing efforts to ensure that the country’s roads are safe, government hosted the 2nd National Road Summit from the 13th to the 14th of November 2015. The Summit assessed progress made and challenges being encountered regarding road safety in the country” Williams said.
As the number of cars on the roads increase, the demand for more traffic law enforcement officers is also increasing. “It is this realization that through the Department of Transport, government opened the Mpumalanga Traffic Training College in Marite amongst other infrastructure interventions. This, as well as the opening of the R71 road in Moria are some of the activities government embarked on during the Transport Month. The R71 road was upgraded last year at a cost of R140 million”.
To mark October Transport Month, joint law enforcement operations were carried out throughout the country to ensure compliance by all road users. The exercise included traffic monitoring, vehicle inspections and the traffic fine offences during the roadblocks.
Williams said: “As we approach the festive season the traffic law enforcement agencies will embark on the law enforcement programme to strive to reduce the carnage on our road during this period.”
“Government is again appealing to all road users including pedestrians to be vigilant and exercise caution on the roads. The country cannot afford more deaths caused by road accidents than it has already experienced” Williams added.
Phumla Williams, Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 5010 139
Issued by GCIS