21 January 2015
The Minister has noted with shock and horror what can only be described as undermining utterances in the public domain attributed to Honourable Gavin Davis, who parades as a so-called DA shadow Minister of Communications. Honourable Davis makes a litany of spurious accusations involving the SABC which have never been tested in any objective and fair process. The Minister will not grace those allegations with any dignity by repeating them, save to point out the following:
- Honourable Davis is violating his oath of office by disrespecting and disregarding parliamentary rules and processes that guide members of parliament on how to ask questions from the Executive as part of the duties of members of parliament in carrying out their duty of oversight.
- The level of detail, however spurious and inaccurate, provides a prima facie evidence that Honourable Davis is behind the scenes, illegally colluding with some of the individuals whose interests he purports to be protecting.
- Actions of Honourable Davis also undermine the Labour Relations regime of the country which affords any aggrieved employees in any institution proper legal recourse.
- Honourable Davis is strongly advised not to act like an irresponsible shop steward with a clandestine mandate.
- It is indeed questionable that Honourable Davis’ level of activism coincides with the appointment, albeit on an acting capacity, of a black person at the helm of a public institution. In addition, the Minister will not allow a perception to be created that if you are a black woman Minister, you need a white male babysitter.
The Minister is calling upon Honourable Davis to act with restraint and with responsibility as required by the oath that he took rather than dragging a public institution into disrepute.
The Minister would welcome any questions that are brought through via the official and legal channels as provided by Parliament.
Ayanda Hollow
Cell: 061 488 0634
Issued by: Ministry of Communications