24 February 2016
On Thursday, 25 February at 8h00am, Economic Sectors, Employment and Infrastructure Development Cluster chaired by Minister Gugile Nkwinti will hold a media briefing on the implementation of the Government Programme of Action for the post State of the Nation Address 2016. The briefing will be held at Imbizo Media Centre, Cape Town with a link up to Tshedimosetso House (GCIS), Pretoria.
On Thursday, 25 February at 10h00am, Governance and Administration cluster chaired by Minister Malusi Gigaba will hold a media briefing on the implementation of the Government Programme of Action for the post State of the Nation Address 2016. The briefing will be held at Imbizo Media Centre, Cape Town with a link up to Tshedimosetso House (GCIS), Pretoria.
Ireen Magwai (Pretoria)
Cell: 082 440 5676
Email: ireen@gcis.gov.za
Andile Duka (Cape Town)
Cell: 071 154 5619
Email: andiled@gcis.gov.za
Follow the briefings on Twitter by using the hashtag #PostSoNA
David Jacobs
Chief Director: Economic Sectors, Employment and Infrastructure Development, Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Clusters
Cell: 083 681 8904
Email: davidj@gcis.gov.za
Legadima Leso
Chief Director: Human Development; Social Protection and Community Development; Governance and Administration Clusters
Cell: 083 378 9495
Email: legadima@gcis.gov.za
Issued by Government Communication and Information System