5 August 2016
The Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on Local Government Elections will hold a media briefing on Sunday, 7 August 2016. As the world’s eyes are firmly on South Africa, the IMC will provide the last details about the elections and also explain the processes going forward.
The media briefing will be held as follows:
Date: Sunday 07 August 2016
Time: 10h00
Venue: GCIS Head Office, Tshedimosetso House, cnr Francis Baard and Festival Streets
NB: There will be a video link to Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein Street, Parliament, Cape Town
Takalani Mukwevho
Cell: 082 227 9303
Tsakani Baloyi
Cell: 082 052 0892
Cape Town
Andile Duka
Cell: 071 154 5619
Lutando Ndamase
Cell: 076 173 2374
Legadima Leso
Cell: 083 378 9495
Issued by GCIS on behalf of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Local Government Elections