2 November 2016
Government congratulates the Department of Home Affairs for scooping the prestigious ICT Service Delivery Transformation Award for its automated booking system for its Refugee Reception Offices at the ICT Public Service Awards at GovTech 2016.
The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) was the 1st runner up in two categories which include the ICT Service Delivery Transformation Award: National Government category, for the South African Government Mobile Application; and the Local Government category for the GovChat Social Media Platform.
The 2016 Public Service ICT Awards recognizes and rewards innovation for improved service delivery. The Department of Home Affair and the GCIS have displayed that the development of new technologies result in improved service delivery.
Citizens currently use the Government Mobile application to access several functions to inform and empower them. The app provides easy access to Government information via a single Mobile Application. These include: searching for government contact details, listening to the daily Government Radio bulletin, accessing newly published jobs and new tenders; as well as reading daily news.
GovChat enables real time conversations between elected councillors and citizens. Communities will also be able to receive up-to-date information about their concerns accordingly and the platform allows citizens to send images, photos, videos, public and private messages in real time directly to their ward councilors.
The use of social media and the needs of communities grow on a daily basis and government realised the need for a social media platform that brings local government closer to the people in an attempt to provide better service delivery. GovChat, allows citizens to engage councillors on issues including housing, access to water and electricity, safety and job creation initiatives in their areas.
Acting GCIS Director-General, Donald Liphoko, said, “Government is proud to be at the forefront of this technological innovation which also the creation of a more inclusive society. The National Development Plan, South Africa’s blueprint, provides the overarching picture of the role ICT plays in realizing Vision 2030, and reducing the triple challenges of unemployment, poverty, and inequity. ”
“Government believes that an informed and participative citizenry is vital to strengthening democracy and this can be achieved through utilizing technology to improve service delivery.” added Liphoko.
Donald Liphoko
Cell: 082 901 0766
E-mail: donaldl@gcis.gov.za
Issued by Government Communications (GCIS)