Media release

Government Inter-Ministerial Committee on post-election inauguration process

15 May 2014

Members of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Presidential Inauguration of 2014
Representatives of national and international media
Ladies and gentlemen

Thank you all for joining us at today’s media briefing where we will outline some of the processes leading up to the Inauguration of the President.

Commending the nation on successful elections

Government would once again like to thank all South Africans for contributing to the success of the 2014 General Elections. We reiterate our sincere thanks to all the voters, the Independent Electoral Commission, the Department of Home Affairs, the country’s security agencies and observer missions for their positive contribution as we celebrate the election and 20 years of Freedom and Democracy. 

Work of Government continues

In view of queries we have received about the functioning of government in the period after the election, we wish to emphasise that it is work as usual for the national Executive in terms of our Constitution.

This Inauguration is happening as we celebrate 20 years of Freedom. It is during this time that we remember our first democratically elected President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, taking his oath of affirmation which changed the country forever.

Presidential Inauguration

Government wishes to confirm that the Inauguration of the President will take place on Saturday May 24, 2014.

The timeline ahead

The National Assembly, in terms of the Constitution, will convene for its first sitting on Wednesday, 21 May 2014 where Members of Parliament will be sworn in. This will be followed by the election of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly and the President of the Republic.  The Constitution prescribes that the President be sworn in within five days of being elected by the National Assembly

It is with this in mind that the Inauguration will be held at the Union Buildings on Saturday, May 24.

We expect that the Inauguration will be attended by  thousands of people, of whom 4500 will be accommodated in the Nelson Mandela Amphitheatre at the Union Buildings.

Remaining guests will be accommodated on the Southern Lawns below the Union Buildings, while other members of the public will be able to follow proceedings via live television and radio broadcasts and public viewing areas at 47 sites throughout the country.

 The guest list has been finalised and all invitations have been sent out. The  4 500 guests in the Nelson Mandela Amphitheatre will include Members of Parliament, representatives of provincial governments and municipalities, representatives of communities of faith and civil society organisations, former Heads of State, Heads of State in government and eminent persons.

Details will be provided in due course on the processes of accreditation of invited guests.  Confirmations of attendance will also be provided in due course as guests are still responding to invitations.

Guests are expected to collect their accreditation on the 21st and 22nd of May.


All guests must arrive between 5 and 8am. The swearing in ceremony will take place at 11am. Following the conclusion of the formal proceedings guests will be entertained by a cultural event which will take place on the Southern Lawns.

Details of all logistics including park and rides and road closures will be announced next week.


By the time the Inauguration takes place Provinces would have elected their Premiers and provincial delegates to the National Council of Provinces. The NCOP will have its first sitting on the 22 May 2014.


The period ahead also creates the opportunity for South Africans to reflect – after very competitive and robust electioneering – on the strength and integrity of our democracy.

We look forward to these coming milestones being as well-managed as the election process itself and hope that South Africans will derive new hope, optimism and energy for an even better future from these important national events.

Issued by: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)



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