Government has scheduled the following briefings/activities for the week 21-27 May 2018. The activities, which are aligned to the National Development Plan and outlined in the Medium Term Strategic Framework 2014-2019, are undertaken to build a better South Africa.
Minister for the Public Service and Administration, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo will Monday, 21 May, host a media briefing to formally announce Government position on the conclusion of the Public Sector Wage negotiations at Tshedimosetso House, GCIS offices, Hatfield, Pretoria. The briefing follows conclusion of the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council Wage negotiation processes. NB: There will be a video link up to Imbizo Media Centre, Parliament, Cape Town
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Ms Lindiwe Sisulu, will on Monday, 21 May, participate at the G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting taking place in Argentina. Minister Sisulu is also expected to hold bilateral meetings with various Ministers on the margins of the G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting including BRICS Ministers in preparation for the upcoming BRICS Ministerial Meeting and BRICS Summit.
On Monday, 21 May, the Minister of Sport and Recreation, Ms Tokozile Xasa will officially handover the Gertbooysen Sport Facility at Swellendam Railton Sport Facility at 13h00.
The Deputy Minister of Social Development, Ms Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, will on Tuesday, 22 May, launch the Khanyiselani Development Trust White Door Centre (Safe Space of Hope) in Kokstad, KwaZulu-Natal at 11h00. The Trust forms part of the department’s mission to build a caring society for all South Africans.
The Minister of Water and Sanitation, Mr Gugile Nkwinti, will outline the Department’s plans for the 2018/19 financial year during his Budget Vote presentation in the National Assembly on Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 10h00.
The Minister of Arts and Culture, Mr Nathi Mthethwa, will outline the Department’s plans for the 2018/19 financial year during his Budget Vote presentation in the National Assembly on Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 14h00 pm.
On Wednesday, 23 May, the Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu will release the audit results of the country’s municipalities for the 2016-17 financial year. The briefing will be held at Imbizo Media Centre, Cape Town. NB: There will be a video link to Tshedimosetso House, GCIS offices in Hatfield, Pretoria.
On Wednesday, President Cyril Ramaphosa will present the budget allocation for the Presidency (Vote 1). The debate on the Presidency’s budget allocation will follow on Thursday
All members of the media are advised that the media briefings/activities are subject to change. However, the GCIS will update the media through advisories.
Phumla Williams
Acting GCIS Director-General
Cell: 083 501 0139