2 July 2015
GCIS in its statement on the 30 June 2015 regarding the ruling of the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) referred to the 31 July 2015 as the date for Eskom’s submission of its Third Multi-Year Electricity Price Determination.
Eskom has confirmed that they are still studying NERSA’s determination and that no decision regarding re-application has been made as yet. Eskom will still follow the relevant governance process in this regard.
In keeping with the spirit of the public hearings and acting in the country’s economic interest, it is important that parties are transparent and act timeously.
To arrange media interviews contact Ms Ireen Magwai on 082 440 5676 or Ireen@gcis.gov.za
Mr Donald Liphoko
Acting Director- General (GCIS)
Issued by Government Communications and Information Systems (GCIS)