Information services to the public

Through the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) strategic guidance to the government-wide system, government information is disseminated to the public.

The following information services are available to the public:


Directory (database of contact information and profiles)

The GCIS maintains an online database of contact information for government structures and bodies, media organisations, journalists and a selection of other institutions such as political parties, foreign representatives in South Africa, and tertiary and other institutions, etc.

The database also contains a collection of brief profiles of the President, Deputy President, Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers, parliamentary office bearers, provincial premiers and some former government leaders.

This online directory can be accessed on:

Tel: 012 473 0078

top is a South African government news service, providing reliable government news and information to the public, locally and abroad. You may subscribe to receive SAnews e-mail newsletters daily. Visit online.

Ms Roze Moodley
Tel: 012 4730263
Fax: 012 4730593


Thusong Service Centres (Thusongs) [previously Multi-purpose Community Centres]

The GCIS is a leading player in the Thusong Service Centres initiative. Thusong Service Centres (Thusongs) are one-stop centres where local, provincial and national government, as well as other service-providers offer much needed services and information about government programmes to local communities. Communities living near the Thusongs and surrounding areas identify services based on their needs.

Visit Thusong Service Centres website

The goal is to provide every South African citizen with easy access to information and services near their place of residence.

Ms Nomhle Sibanyoni 
Tel: 012 473 0496
Fax: 012 323 4979
