Members of Parliament will soon have access to finger-tip government information when the Information and Resource Centre (IRC) of the Government Communications and Information System re-opens tomorrow (Friday). The centre will be re-opened by the Minister in the Presidency, Doctor Essop Pahad.
Situated on the ground floor at 120 Plein Street, the centre which has been dormant for a few months, has undergone complete refurbishing and will now cater for most of the government information needs of the MP’s. The centre will also serve the respective government ministries as well as members of the media.
Government speeches and media releases, departmental policy documents, programmes and projects, publications, posters and contact directories will be available at the centre. It will also be used as a support "vehicle" for constituency work, as well as providing access to the multi-purpose centres all over the country.
An inquiry and internet service will also be available. Products by GCIS will be available at the centre. Regular exhibitions will be held at the IRC, and this will be done in conjunction with the different government departments and government related organisations.
The primary clients of the IRC will be MP’s, the media and governments departments but it will also have a small component of community liaison. This service might be extended in future, depending on the demand and availability of funds.
Through the centre, the GCIS wishes to achieve its vision and mission of a comprehensive communication system on behalf of government and to further enhance them. The aim is to have the centre playing a co-ordinating and facilitating role to all clients.
The GCIS will provide a full-time person at the centre to look at the needs of the clients. The GCIS staff member will also be identify future needs of clients and look at possibilities of extending the service.
Al-Ameen Kafaar
Cell: 083 253 5266
Issued by: Government Communications (GCIS)