All government communicators will for the first time have the opportunity to be publicly recognised for a job well done.
In July 2000, the Minister in the Presidency and political head of the GCIS, Dr Essop Pahad, tasked the GCIS to explore ways in which an award mechanism could be introduced to recognise improved delivery, innovation and excellence in government communication.
This vision is being realised as the call for nominations for the first-ever Government Communicators Awards (GCA) starts today.
Irrespective of their rank, government communicators at national, provincial and local level - including those in missions abroad - will be eligible.
Nomination forms are available from the GCIS website and from all accounting officers in the three spheres of government.
The awards ceremony will be held on 6 December 2002.
The awards will be in four categories: The Communicator of the Year Award, Bua Award, Ubungcweti Award and a Special Category that recognises the work of government communicators who have died after the inception of the Awards in October last year.
The overall winner of the Communicator of the Year Award will be sent on a two-week attachment to a government having relations with South Africa. Details of the attachment and which government it will be for the first year of the Award are still to be negotiated.
Any government employee or member of a media institution may propose a nomination, which becomes valid if accompanied by the nominee’s letter of acceptance. Nominees must be South African citizens who have completed 12 months or more service in government or a statutory body. This includes legally employed communicators with permanent residence in the country. Group nominations are welcome.
The closing date for submissions is 31 August 2002.
Steve Galane
Tel: 012 314 2206
Cell: 082 370 3101
Issued by: Government Communications (GCIS)