It has come to our attention that attempts are under way to publish contents of a six year old report of the inquest into the death of Ms Kate Zuma, the deceased wife of the Deputy President of the ruling party. Our assessment is that this is the work of peddlers who were linked to the “Browser report’ who are desperately trying to implicate, discredit and cast aspersions on government institutions.
Government states categorically that none of the state institutions are involved in any way in the publication of the contents of the inquest. We view the publication of this information at this stage as malicious, tasteless in the extreme and can only be aimed at sowing confusion and mistrust among members of the public. We call upon media houses to refuse to be used as platforms for any disinformation campaigns.
Government will continue to investigate and expose the motives of any disinformation campaigns which pose risks to national security.
The public is advised not to fall for the ‘dirty tricks’ of the peddlers whose main objective is to destabilise our young democracy.
Themba Maseko (Government Spokesperson)
Cell: 083 645 0810
Issued by: Government Communications (GCIS)