At its meeting on Wednesday, 18 August 2010, Cabinet expressed its full support to the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Ms Lindiwe Sisulu with regard to the tabling of a draft and interim report to the Portfolio Committee on Defence. Cabinet decided that Minister Sisulu was not obliged to table the Defence Force Service Commission Interim Report to the Defence Portfolio Committee for the following reasons: Firstly, she has not yet received the final report and secondly, in terms of existing Cabinet convention, she is obliged to table the report to Cabinet first for consideration, before tabling it to Parliament.
The Cabinet co-responsibility convention requires Members of the Executive to process reports and policy documents (including Bills) through Cabinet prior to publishing and or tabling them in Parliament. The Convention seeks to ensure that Members of the Executive remain collectively and individually accountable for decisions taken by Cabinet. The Minister is expected to table the final report to Cabinet as soon as she receives it. The report will then be tabled in parliament after due consideration by Cabinet.
For further enquires please contact
Themba Maseko
Government Spokesperson
Cell: 083 645 0810
Issued by: Government Communications (GCIS)