Government's new Programme of Action for 2007, which was finalised by Cabinet at its meeting of 22 February 2007, is now available on Government On Line at
The Programme of Action for 2007 is based on the decisions of the Cabinet lekgotla in January 2007 and the President's State of the Nation Address in February 2007. It includes activities from the 2006 Programme which were not completed during 2006, either because they had time frames that are still in the future or because of delays which are receiving attention in the new programme.
This first edition of the programme for 2007, released today 5 March, does not record progress during February while the report was being finalised. The publication of the programme will allow the public to continue to follow progress in implementation and to make informed assessments of government's performance in fulfilling its electoral mandate.
As a practical expression of transparency in governance, it also promotes conditions in which all sectors of society can work together in a national effort to build a better life for all.
As has been done continuously since 2004, The Presidency, working with Government Communications (GCIS), intends to update the information on implementation of programmes every two months after reports on progress have been submitted by Clusters to Cabinet. In addition as particular time frames are reached, there will be public communication by relevant departments on details of implementation of the programme concerned.
Themba Maseko
Cell: 083 645 0810
Issued by: Government Communications (GCIS)