29 August 2011
The Deputy Minister for Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Ms Dina Pule in collaboration with the Minister for Women, Children and People with disabilities Ms Lulu Xingwana; International Relations and Cooperation Ms Maite Nkoana-Mashabane and Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs Ms Edna Molewa will host a Women in Media and Environment Conference from 3-4 September 2011 in Pretoria.
The Conference is part of the preparations for South Africa's hosting of the 17th conference of the Parties (COP17) to the UN Framework Convention on climate change (UNFCC) which takes place in Durban from 28 November - 09 December 2011.
The purpose of the conference will be amongst others, to educate women in media and to promote understanding of important environmental issues such as climate change; empower women in media to enable them to become the voice for the environment; to recognise and strengthen the critical role of women in media and empower them to participate actively in the upcoming COP17/CMP7.
Members of the media are invited to cover the conference as follows:
Date: 3 – 4 September 2011
Time: 08h30 for 09h00
Venue: Impilo Conference Centre,
Department of Health,
Civitas Building,
Cnr Andries and Struben streets, Pretoria
Kindly send your name, media house and contact details for RSVP to:
Takalani Mashamba
E-mail: Takalani@gcis.gov.za
Cell: 078 2523 722
NB: The conference will be open to the media.
Issued by: Government Communication and Information System