22 June 2012
Members of the media are invited to the briefing of the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster. The Chairperson of the cluster, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Jeff Radebe will lead the briefing.
The details are as follows:
Date: Monday, 25 June 2012
Time: 09h00
Venue: GCIS Auditorium, 1st Floor, Midtown Building, cnr Sisulu and Madiba Sts, Pretoria
NB: There will be a video-link to Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein Street, Parliament, Cape Town
Kindly confirm attendance by email or sms to:
Shadi Baloyi (Pretoria)
E-mail: Shadib@gcis.gov.za
Cell: 076 946 7136
Loedfie Hendrikse (Cape Town)
E-mail: LoedfieH@gcis.gov.za
Cell: 082 670 4145
Mzobanzi Jikazana (Pretoria)
Cell: 083 641 2355
Mzimasi Ngqelu (Cape Town)
Cell: 076 904 3557
Issued by: Government Communication and Infomration System (GCIS)