26 September 2014
Chairperson of the Governance and Administration (G&A) Cluster and Minister of Home Affairs Malusi Gigaba will lead a panel of Ministers at a briefing on the cluster’s priority programmes and achievements to date.
Members of the media are invited as follows:
Date: Sunday, 28 September 2014
Time: 10h00
Venue: GCIS Head Office, Tshedimosetso House, 1035 Francis Baard Street, Hatfield, Pretoria
NB: There will be a video link to the Imbizo Media Centre at Parliament, Cape Town
Kindly confirm attendance by email or sms to:
Takalani Mukwevho (Pretoria)
E-mail: takalanim@gcis.gov.za
Cell: 082 227 9308
Mzimasi Ngqelu (Cape Town)
E-mail: mzi@gcis.gov.za
Cell: 076 904 3557
Legadima Leso
Contact: 083 378 9495
Issued by: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)