Deputy Minister in The Presidency, Ms Dina Pule to deliver keynote speech on the occasion of the Executive Committee Meeting of the Pan African Youth Union, 11 August

12 August 2011

The Deputy Minister in The Presidency responsible for Performance Monitoring, Evaluation, Ms Dina Pule, will today deliver a Keynote Address at the Pan African Youth Union Executive Committee meeting which started on 10 August 2011. 

The PYU EC is the leading body of the PYU which meets between the congress. It meets twice a year in ordinary meetings and it is composed of the President, five Vice Presidents, the secretary General, five Deputy Secretary Generals, one representative of the host of the Headquarters of PYU and one
representative from Diaspora.

The concerned countries, in the same order are the following: Nigeria, South Africa, Gabon, Ethiopia, Algeria, Mali, Angola, Zimbabwe, Congo Brazzaville, Djibuti, Libya, Senegal and Sudan. The Diaspora is coming from France.

It is worth noting that the Chairperson of the South African NYDA is one of the vice-presidents of the PYU.

Details as follows below:

Date: 11 August 2011
Time: 17h30 for 18h00
Venue: Protea Auditorium, School of Tourism and Hospitality, University of Johannesburg, The Kerzner Building, Bunting Road, Auckland Park

Tsakane Mahlaule
Cell: 082 521 6746
Call or send sms to above mobile number

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